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Your New Skincare Morning Routine

Mornings Made Easy with

Origin's GinZing Collection

The last month and a half have been a whirlwind. Between filming a show in Los Angeles (which included three trips across the country), teaching in Nashville, hosting a 24 hour airing at QVC, editor meetings at Conde' Nast and Hearst, it goes without saying that I've had many late nights and early mornings. I pulled out all the skincare stops and tried all of my secrets to keep my skin fresh and keep the eye bags at bay. Enter Origin's Ginzing Collection. I'll be honest: I'm admittedly always skeptical of trendy ingredient stories and I wasn't too familiar with Origin's but it only took one morning of GinZing to make me a believer. I've been telling anyone and everyone about the efficacy of this line, read on to find out my favorites.

What's the Story?

Origin's aimed to change our morning routines with coffee powered products aimed to energize, refresh, and brighten your skin. Sounds right up my alley but how does it work? Coffee is full of incredible antioxidants which help protect the skin against environmental damage. It's been proven to stimulate circulation which leads to less morning time puffiness and also helps signal tissue repair. It makes skin smooth and bright: Because of its qualities that signal tissue repair, coffee plays a crucial role in regulating cell re-growth, leading to retained hydration (increased collagen) and increased skin elasticity. Get ready to restore radiance to your skin.

The Energy Boosting Gel Moisturizer is an incredible summer time moisturizer. It's a gel base meaning it's lightweight but still leaves your skin feeling full of moisture. The coffee ingredients help make your skin smooth and bright. Because of its qualities that signal tissue repair, coffee plays a crucial role in regulating cell re-growth, leading to retained hydration (increased collagen) and increased skin elasticity.


If you're looking for SPF Protection during summer time along with your moisturizer then the Energy Boosting Tinted Moisturizer is your answer. The tint is universal and adds a subtle glow to your skin. UVB is harmful and may even lead to more complicated and life-threatening skin diseases. Protecting your skin with caffeine may protect it against UV carcinogens. According to another study, caffeine actually inhibits the DNA damage response, thus protecting skin against the adverse effects of UVB. The inhibition of DNA damage response may offer a therapeutic option for non-melanoma skin cancer. Hydrate, energize, perfect & protect with one product. It's a win.

The GinZing collection has a definite star and for me it was the refreshing eye cream. Coffee is amazing at encouraging circulation in your skin. When coffee promotes blood circulation, it leads to healthy and energized skin, effectively reducing the swelling of tissues and de-puffing areas of the skin. The real magic comes from the natural optic brighteners. It melts right into my skin and gives me brightness under the eye which is super helpful on those 5am call time mornings. 

Skincare product I can't live without now includes the GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream

The Final Verdict

The Origin's GinZing Collection is a slam dunk in skincare. The Brand stays true to it's promise in incorporating natural ingredients in an effective, thoughtful way. Your early mornings will be a little more bearable and you'll have the benefit of getting some of those "You look so awake!" comments. Grab your coffee, a GinZing product or two, and be ready to face the day. Good morning!